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To Place An Order, Please Click On The Associated Links Below & You Will Be Taken To The Online Store For Those Products!

Exploring your enrollment options?
Enrollment kits come in all shapes, configurations & sizes. Depending on your needs & how you want to start using the products, you have lots of options. Feel free to explore & discover these very popular kits!
If you've become an expert with sharing the products, you'll find the Leadership Kits to be a great way to stock up on needed quantities of product that help you quickly share products. This grouping of kits has been put together to help you become a better, more efficient leader as you share products, and teach people how to use the products with those they care for!
Do you have a favorite product you cannot live without?
Would you enjoy the convenience of receiving Lifelong Vitality Pack supplements automatically each month? Perhaps you'd like to earn free product every time your monthly product subscription processes! The Loyalty Rewards Program (LRP) provides a convenient way to receive an automatic monthly order of your favorite products delivered directly to your home. Each month you participate in the Loyalty Rewards Program, you earn an increasing number of LRP credits that can be used as cash to purchase product / earn up to 30 % on qualified LRP orders! You can change the products in your monthly order or cancel your LRP agreement at any time without obligation!
The Fast Track Qualifying Kits Are...
1st. - The Diamond Enrollment Kit which is an intensive collection of products designed to give you the knowledge & tools to use & promote the wonderful benefits of essential oils.
2nd. - The Every Oil Enrollment Kit which gives complete access to build your oil knowledge & personally experience the effects of the abundant benefits of essential oils.
3rd. - The Natural Solutions Enrollment Kit which is a perfect companion to assist with healthy living goals & to help boost vitality!
Sometimes it's easier to let someone else do the thinking on what products go well together. A 'collection' is simply a popular grouping of products that are often used together, shared together, or simply…popular. The configuration of collections change as demand or needs change & occasionally there is a better value when purchased together as a collection!
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